Lesson Evaluation: 2022 15th Annual Rheumatology Nurses Society Conference You have already submitted an evaluation for: 19.25 Contact Hours and 6.75 Pharmacotherapeutic Contact Hours Name* First Middle Initial Last Email* State* State Specialty* Rheumatology Dermatology Gastrology Primary Other if you selected "other", please specify.* What current practice setting are you in? Hospital Private Practice Academic Center Other if you selected "other", please specify.* Content was useful and relevant to my practice*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeI would recommend future RNS Events to others*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeAs a result of your participation at the conference, will you make a change in your practice? Yes Uncertain No If you said yes, please describe at least one change in your professional practice you anticipate in making. Create/revise protocols, policies, and/or procedures Seek additional information Activity validated current practice Do nothing differently—The content was not convincing Do nothing differently—System barriers prevent me from changing my practice Not applicable. I have no patient contact Other With 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, please rate the extent to which the conference met the following learning objectives.I can better identify current trends and practices impacting age appropriate care and treatment of the rheumatology patient*12345I am better able to compare and contrast evidence based and evidence informed integrated practices*12345I can implement strategies designed to enhance resource utilization and mindful use of technology and research into rheumatology practice.*12345Did you experience any bias during presentations/sessions attended?* Yes No Please provide a description of the bias you experienced.* What was something that you liked about the RNS Annual Conference?*Are there any topics in rheumatology that you would like to learn more about at future RNS events?*Please let us know if you would be interested in the following: RNS Advocacy Initiatives Joining or starting an RNS Chapter Present at Live Events/Author Enduring Activities (faculty) I attest that I attended the above session(s) based on my credit selection.* Yes No