RNS Guest

We are excited to welcome to you the Rheumatology Nurses Society! Our vision is to empower and strengthen the health care professional within the workforce and give them the tools they need to be the resource for their patient and their families.

The RNS offers many educational opportunities, educational and informational events, and networking groups for our members. We have an option available for those who are not ready to move forward with membership called the RNS Guest.

Just by making an account for our website, you will have access to some of our free educational offerings as well as integration into our communication channels about upcoming events, news in rheumatology, and stories from our team.

If at any point in the Guest status you would like to move forward and become and RNS member, please click here to start the process

Guest Benefits

RNS Guest access provides registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) including NPs and PAs with a single source for:

  • Access to evidence-based educational activities and our video resource library
  • Copies of publications such as Rheumatology Nurse Practice (RNP), Healio, and Women’s Magazine
  • Monthly emails including the NewsRheum and Medpage
  • Admission to Chapters and Networking Events – For more information contact the chapter development team at chapters@rnsnurse.org

Sign-up for your Guest Membership