
Introducing PrismRA

Introducing PrismRA

The Rheumatology Nurses Society is excited to partner with Scipher Medicine to introduce you to PrismRA. This unique and innovative tool utilizes a molecular signature test to inform treatment decisions for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Recap: RheumNow Live 2022

Recap: RheumNow Live 2022

At the end of March, I attended the RheumNow Live 2022 conference. This event offered clinical context, comprehensive lectures from rheumatology experts, and audience input that would be greatly beneficial for all of our members. I encourage you all to read my overview and takeaways to improve your practice.

Meet Lupus Warrior: Monique

Meet Lupus Warrior: Monique

In the summer of 2010, I heard three words that would instantly change the trajectory of my life “YOU HAVE LUPUS.” My diagnosis came just over 2 months before my wedding day. My life was filled with complications, trepidation, and confusion, but my providers told me to hang in there.